Daxtra Vacancy Profile Schema

IntroductionExamplesExtractor and Schema VersionsChangelog


Daxtra's Vacancy Extractor produces XML profiles conforming to an XML schema XML schema or JSON profiles conforming to a JSON schema. For human readability, an HTML version is also provided. Unlike our candidate schema, the vacancy schema is not based on specifications from the HR-XML Consortium.

See below for how to access older versions of the schema relating to older versions of the extractor.

A number of Daxtra products involve vacancy profiles. For example, they are returned by the ProcessJobOrder operation of our SOAP Web Services.

In REST integration you can specify whether you want xml or json output by using "/xml" or "/json" at the end. In SOAP integration you will need to pass "-OUT_SCHEMA json" in the account parameter:



Following are some examples illustrating validating a Daxtra profile using the latest version of the schema.

Perl and XML::LibXML

If a vacancy profile document, sample.prf, is in the current directory and the CPAN module XML::LibXML is installed, then the following script will print OK if the profile conforms to Daxtra's schema. Otherwise, it will print an error message.

use XML::LibXML;

$xsd = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(location => 'http://cvx.daxtra.com/cvx/cvx_schema/vacancy/1.0.5/PositionHeader.xsd');
$prf = XML::LibXML->new->parse_file('sample.prf');

eval { $xsd->validate($prf) };

print $@ ? "error: $@\n" : "OK\n";


Many tools exist that can validate XML documents against schema files, such as XMLWriter. This Windows application requires that the XML document references it's schema before it can be validated, which Daxtra profiles do not do. So we rewrite the profile document as follows. This is the original version:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<!-- ... -->

If the following two attributes are added to the root element (leaving everything else the same) then the profile can be loaded into XMLWriter and validated.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<!-- ... -->

Extractor and Schema Versions

Older versions of the vacancy extractor do not signal their version in the profiles that they produces. Profiles without version numbers should to be version 1.0.0 of this schema. All other extractor versions indicate their version number as part of an attribute in the root element and correspond with the correspondingly numbered schema.

All versions, with the current one (1.0.5) first, are listed here:
