import*; import; import; import; import java.lang.String; public class CVXtractorService { private static String service_url=""; private static String rest_api_version="/cvx/rest/api/v1/"; private static String account=""; private static boolean json_out=false; private static String error_buf=""; private static String phase2_token=""; public CVXtractorService(String surl, String service_account, boolean jo) { service_url = surl; account = service_account; json_out=jo; } public boolean isReadyToUse() { return (account != "") ? true : false; } public String getLastError() { return error_buf; } public String getPhase2Token() { return phase2_token; } public String ProcessCV(String file_to_proces) { error_buf =""; byte[] b= readFile(file_to_proces); if(b==null) { return ""; } return ProcessCV(b, file_to_proces); } public String ProcessCV(byte[] b) { return ProcessCV(b, "unknown_name"); } public String ProcessCV(byte[] b, String file_name) { error_buf =""; String hrxml_profile; try { hrxml_profile = executeProcessFileCall("profile/full/" + ((json_out)?"json":"xml"), b, file_name); } catch (Exception e) { hrxml_profile = ""; error_buf = "Exception :: " + e.getMessage(); } finally { } return hrxml_profile; } public String ProcessJobOrder(String file_to_proces) { error_buf =""; byte[] b= readFile(file_to_proces); if(b==null) { return ""; } return ProcessJobOrder(b, file_to_proces); } public String ProcessJobOrder(byte[] b) { return ProcessJobOrder(b, "unknown_name"); } public String ProcessJobOrder(byte[] b, String file_name) { error_buf =""; String hrxml_profile; try { hrxml_profile = executeProcessFileCall("joborder/" + ((json_out)?"json":"xml"), b, file_name); } catch (Exception e) { hrxml_profile = ""; error_buf = "Exception :: " + e.getMessage(); } finally { } return hrxml_profile; } public String Convert(String file_to_proces, String to) { error_buf =""; byte[] b= readFile(file_to_proces); if(b==null) { return ""; } return Convert(b, file_to_proces, to); } public String Convert(byte[] b, String to) { return Convert(b, "unknown_name", to); } public String Convert(byte[] b, String file_name, String to) { error_buf =""; String hrxml_profile; try { hrxml_profile = executeProcessFileCall("convert2"+to, b, file_name); } catch (Exception e) { hrxml_profile = ""; error_buf = "Exception :: " + e.getMessage(); } finally { } return hrxml_profile; } public String ProcessCVphase1(String file_to_proces) { error_buf =""; byte[] b= readFile(file_to_proces); if(b==null) { return ""; } return ProcessCVphase1(b, file_to_proces); } public String ProcessCVphase1(byte[] b) { return ProcessCVphase1(b, "unknown_name"); } public String ProcessCVphase1(byte[] b, String file_name) { error_buf =""; String hrxml_profile=""; /* * for not to include JSON processing classes instead of calling * "profile/personal/json" * we will call "profile/personal/xml" * which wil return XML outer structure but we will specify actual JSON output * for profile through adding ";-OUT_SCHEMA json" instruction to account */ String the_call = "profile/personal/xml"; //String the_call = "profile/full/xml"; String account_saved=account; if(json_out ) { if(account.matches(".*;.*")==false) {account += ";"; } account += " -OUT_SCHEMA json"; } try { //System.err.println("ZZZ:" + the_call); String multi_hrxml_profile = executeProcessFileCall(the_call, b, file_name); //System.err.println("RET:" + multi_hrxml_profile); javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory factory = javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder docBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); final InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(multi_hrxml_profile.getBytes("UTF-8")); org.w3c.dom.Document doc = docBuilder.parse(stream); org.w3c.dom.NodeList list_tok = doc.getElementsByTagName("full_profile_token"); if(list_tok.getLength()>0) { phase2_token = list_tok.item(0).getTextContent(); //System.err.println("Token=" + phase2_token); } else { System.err.println("No phase2 token returned"); } org.w3c.dom.NodeList list_hrxml = doc.getElementsByTagName("hrxml"); if(list_hrxml.getLength()>0) { hrxml_profile = list_hrxml.item(0).getTextContent(); } } catch (Exception e) { hrxml_profile = ""; error_buf = "Exception :: " + e.getMessage(); } finally { account=account_saved; } return hrxml_profile; } public String ProcessCVphase2() { if(phase2_token=="") { System.err.println("No phase2 token"); error_buf = "No succesfull ProcessCVphase1 call registerd so cannot do ProcessCVphase2"; return ""; } return getDataForToken(phase2_token); } public String ProcessCVbatch(String file_to_proces) { return ProcessCVbatch(file_to_proces, null); } public String ProcessCVbatch(String file_to_proces, String result_pattern) { error_buf =""; byte[] b= readFile(file_to_proces); if(b==null) { return ""; } return ProcessCVbatch(b, file_to_proces, result_pattern); } public String ProcessCVbatch(byte[] b, String result_pattern) { return ProcessCVbatch(b, "unknown_name", result_pattern); } public String ProcessCVbatch(byte[] b, String file_name, String result_pattern) { error_buf =""; String hrxml_profile=""; if(result_pattern==null) { result_pattern = file_name; } String account_saved=account; String the_call = "profile/batch/"; the_call += (json_out )?"json":"xml"; try { hrxml_profile = executeProcessFileCall(the_call, b, file_name); if(hrxml_profile=="") { error_buf = "Exception :: " + "no token returned"; return hrxml_profile; } String main_tok = hrxml_profile; System.err.println("TOKEN: " +hrxml_profile); int bn=0; for(int it=0; it<100; it++) { Thread.sleep(3000); hrxml_profile = getDataForToken(main_tok); //System.err.println("RET=" + hrxml_profile + "~"); if(hrxml_profile=="") { System.err.println("No return " + error_buf); error_buf = "No return"; break; } if(hrxml_profile == main_tok) { continue; } //-- go on if(hrxml_profile.indexOf("PROCESS_FINISHED")!=-1) //-- end { System.err.println(hrxml_profile); hrxml_profile="OK"; break; } if(hrxml_profile.indexOf("PROCESS_NOT_FOUND")!=-1) //-- end { System.err.println(hrxml_profile); hrxml_profile="OK"; break; } if(hrxml_profile.indexOf("CSERROR")!=-1) { System.err.println(hrxml_profile); error_buf = hrxml_profile; //hrxml_profile=""; break; } //-- results coming in octet string String filename = result_pattern + bn + ".zip"; System.err.println("Saving to " + filename); String serr = saveToFiie(hrxml_profile, filename); if(serr!=null) { error_buf = serr; hrxml_profile=""; break; } bn++; } } catch (Exception e) { hrxml_profile = ""; error_buf = "Exception :: " + e.getMessage(); } finally { account=account_saved; } return hrxml_profile; } private static String getDataForToken(String token) { return executeGetCall("data?token="+ token); } private static String executeProcessFileCall(String rest_call, byte[] b, String file_name) { if(file_name=="") { file_name="some_file"; } String full_call = service_url + rest_api_version + rest_call; /* The POST request may be compressed using the gzip algorithm, in which case the HTTP request header Content­Encoding must be present and have "gzip" as value. A POST request compressed with gzip must be compressed by the client in its entirety (i.e. the whole message must be compressed, not the single parts of the multipart/form­data content). It is a client responsibility to check whether the server supports content compression, this is done by checking the value of the HTTP response header X­AlpineBits­Server­Accept­Encoding which is set to "gzip" by servers who support this feature. The so called "Housekeeping" actions must not be compressed. */ boolean use_gzip=false; //- we will zip the file itself instead //-- actually we will use "Content-Transfer-Encoding: gzip" on file part byte[] b_zip = (!use_gzip) ? compressByteArray(b, "gzip", file_name) : null; String boundary = "************123456789**********"; HttpURLConnection urlc=null; try { URL url = new URL(full_call); urlc = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); urlc.setDoOutput(true); urlc.setAllowUserInteraction(false); urlc.setUseCaches( false ); urlc.setRequestProperty( "charset", "utf-8"); if(use_gzip) { urlc.setRequestProperty("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); } urlc.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); // "deflate"//- ask CVX server to compress urlc.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary=" + boundary); urlc.setRequestMethod("POST"); urlc.connect(); //------ send request data ------------ DataOutputStream requestStream; if(use_gzip) { requestStream = new DataOutputStream( new urlc.getOutputStream()) ); } else { requestStream = new DataOutputStream( urlc.getOutputStream() ); } String twoHyphens = "--"; String crlf = "\r\n"; //-- file part requestStream.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + crlf); requestStream.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"" + file_name + "\"" + crlf); requestStream.writeBytes("Content-Type: application/octet-stream" + crlf); if(b_zip!=null) requestStream.writeBytes("Content-Transfer-Encoding: gzip" + crlf); requestStream.writeBytes(crlf); requestStream.write((b_zip!=null)?b_zip:b); requestStream.writeBytes(crlf); //-- account part requestStream.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + crlf); requestStream.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"account\"" + crlf); requestStream.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" + crlf); requestStream.writeBytes(crlf); requestStream.writeBytes(account); requestStream.writeBytes(crlf); //-- closing boundary (with -- at the end) to signal end of form requestStream.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens + crlf); //-- finish with thre request requestStream.flush(); requestStream.close(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { error_buf = "MalformedURLException :: " + e.getMessage(); } catch (IOException e) { error_buf = "IOException :: " + e.getMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { error_buf = "Exception :: " + e.getMessage(); } finally { } return (urlc!=null) ? readResponse(urlc) : ""; } private static String executeGetCall(String rest_call){ String full_call = service_url + rest_api_version + rest_call; //System.err.println("FC:"+full_call); HttpURLConnection urlc=null; try { URL url = new URL(full_call); urlc = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); urlc.setDoOutput(true); urlc.setAllowUserInteraction(false); urlc.setUseCaches( false ); urlc.setRequestProperty( "charset", "utf-8"); urlc.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); //- ask CVX server to compress urlc.setRequestMethod("GET"); urlc.connect(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { error_buf = "MalformedURLException :: " + e.getMessage(); } catch (IOException e) { error_buf = "IOException :: " + e.getMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { error_buf = "Exception :: " + e.getMessage(); } return (urlc!=null) ? readResponse(urlc) : ""; } private static String readResponse(HttpURLConnection urlc) { String out=""; try { //-- check response ------ InputStream responseStream; if (urlc.getResponseCode()>= 200 && urlc.getResponseCode()<400) { responseStream = urlc.getInputStream(); } else { responseStream = urlc.getErrorStream(); } //----------- read result BufferedReader responseStreamReader; if ("gzip".equalsIgnoreCase( urlc.getContentEncoding() )) { //System.err.println("decompressing response gzip"); responseStreamReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( new ) ); } else if("deflate".equalsIgnoreCase( urlc.getContentEncoding() )) { //System.err.println("decompressing response deflate"); responseStreamReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( new ) ); } else { responseStreamReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(responseStream)); } String l = null; while ((l=responseStreamReader.readLine())!=null) { out += l; out += "\n"; } responseStreamReader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { error_buf = "IOException :: " + e.getMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { error_buf = "Exception :: " + e.getMessage(); } finally { urlc.disconnect(); } return out; } private static byte[] readFile(String aInputFileName) { byte[] b; try { b = readFile_internal(aInputFileName); } /*catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { } catch (IOException ex) { } */catch (Exception e) { error_buf = "Exception :: Cannot read file ::" + e.getMessage(); return null; } return b; } private static byte[] readFile_internal(String aInputFileName) throws Exception { File file = new File(aInputFileName); byte[] result = new byte[(int) file.length()]; InputStream input = null; try { int totalBytesRead = 0; input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); while (totalBytesRead < result.length) { int bytesRemaining = result.length - totalBytesRead; // returns -1, 0, or more : int bytesRead =, totalBytesRead, bytesRemaining); if (bytesRead > 0) { totalBytesRead = totalBytesRead + bytesRead; } } } finally { if(input!=null) { input.close(); } } return result; } private static byte[] compressByteArray(byte[] b, String ctype, String file_name) { byte[] b_zip; try{ ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(b.length); if(ctype==null || ctype=="" || ctype == "zip") { //-- proper zip file with headers zipStream = new; ze = new; zipStream.putNextEntry(ze); zipStream.write(b); zipStream.closeEntry(); zipStream.close(); } else if(ctype == "gzip") { //- no headers zipStream = new; zipStream.write(b); zipStream.close(); } else if(ctype == "deflate") { deflater = new; deflater.setInput(b); deflater.finish(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while (!deflater.finished()) { int count = deflater.deflate(buffer); // returns the generated code... index outputStream.write(buffer, 0, count); } deflater.end(); } else { System.err.println("Unknown compression type " + ctype); return null; } outputStream.close(); b_zip = outputStream.toByteArray(); //System.err.println("Original: " + b.length / 1024 + " Kb"); //System.err.println("Compressed: " + b_zip.length / 1024 + " Kb"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Compress error:" + e.getMessage()); //e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return b_zip; } public static String saveToFiie(String content, String fileName) { try { File file = new File(fileName); FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file); fileWriter.write(content); fileWriter.flush(); fileWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return e.getMessage(); } return null; } public static void main(String args[]) { String usage = " -a process/process2/vacancy/batch/convert2html/convert2html_q/convert2pdf/convert2pdf_q -id ACCOUNT -host IP [-json] file_to_process\n"; String host = null; String account = null; String file = null; boolean json_out = false; String action ="process"; for(int j = 0; j < args.length; j++) { if(args[j].equals("-help")) { System.err.println(usage); System.exit(1); } if(args[j].equals("-host")) host = args[++j]; else if(args[j].equals("-id")) account = args[++j]; else if(args[j].equals("-a")) action = args[++j]; else if(args[j].equals("-json")) json_out=true; else if(file == null) file = args[j]; else { System.err.println("Unknown argument " + args[j]); System.err.println(usage); System.exit(1); } } if(file == null || host == null || account == null) { System.err.println(usage); System.exit(1); } try { CVXtractorService cvx = new CVXtractorService(host, account, json_out); String hrxml=""; if(action.equals("process")) { hrxml = cvx.ProcessCV(file) ; } if(action.equals("vacancy")) { hrxml = cvx.ProcessJobOrder(file) ; } if(action.equals("convert2html")) { hrxml = cvx.Convert(file, "html") ; } if(action.equals("convert2html_q")) { hrxml = cvx.Convert(file, "html_q") ; //- extra quality } if(action.equals("convert2pdf")) { hrxml = cvx.Convert(file, "pdf") ; } if(action.equals("convert2pdf_q")) { hrxml = cvx.Convert(file, "pdf_q") ; //- extra quality } if(action.equals("process2")) { System.err.println("phase 1"); hrxml = cvx.ProcessCVphase1(file); System.out.println(hrxml); System.err.println("phase 2"); if(cvx.getPhase2Token() != "" && cvx.getLastError()=="") { System.out.println(hrxml); hrxml = cvx.ProcessCVphase2(); } else { System.err.println("PHASE2 error T=" + cvx.getPhase2Token()); } } if(action.equals("batch")) { hrxml = cvx.ProcessCVbatch(file); } if(hrxml=="") { System.err.println("Error at processing :: " + cvx.getLastError()); } else { System.out.println(hrxml); } } catch(Exception Exception) { System.err.println("Caught an Exception!"); Exception.printStackTrace(); } } }